The Recipe for Success

Combining a results-driven, innovative program with 1-on-1 individualized coaching and a community of support.

The Program

Our innovative system combines the effectiveness and sustainability of flexible dieting with a real-world approach to food choices, measurement and tracking.  This framework provides structure while allowing flexibility to eat the foods you love.

We remove the guesswork surrounding food choices, eating habits and exercise.  We will teach you how to eat in order to reach your goals, how to maintain your goals and how to adapt over time.

We will empower you with up-to-date information, tips and tricks for success and keys to staying healthy despite the demands of your schedule.


Through consistent communication and weekly reviews, we will work with you 1-on-1 to help you understand what and how to eat based on your goals.  We collaborate with you to determine the best path to incredible results. 

There is no one size fits all approach so we develop a deep working relationship to understand your lifestyle, motivation for change and possible roadblocks. Your coach will work with you to customize your plan to your life and provide accountability along the way. 

You are in the driver’s seat, but supported by a passionate and professional expert who will guide and support you on your journey.


Many experts say that finding support for your weight-loss efforts can mean the difference between success and failure.  Our private Facebook community is a safe place to work together with other members, ask questions, share ideas and inspire each other. 

This serves as a powerful source of motivation and support throughout your journey. 

Once you join, you’re a Friend for life!

Will It Work For Me?

We know how you feel. You’ve tried to eliminate carbs and sugar from your diet. Maybe you joined a gym to get back in shape and lose some weight.  Maybe you generally eat pretty healthy and just don’t understand why you aren’t getting the results you’re looking for.

You are not alone. Gaining an understanding of how food choices and eating habits affect your body (and mind) is a complex puzzle. It requires a framework, practice, accountability and support. This is a process, not an overnight sensation, but it is totally achievable no matter where you are today.

  • Has your health and fitness taken a backseat due to the life-changing demands of parenthood?
  • Do you wish to gain control of your eating habits but feel overwhelmed by your busy and unpredictable schedule?
  • Do you want to feel strong both physically and mentally, stop worrying about your weight and feel confident in your own skin?
  • Do you feel compelled to set a positive example for your children, free from obsessive habits and daily weigh-ins?
  • Do you wish you had the energy to run around and play with your young kids without feeling pain, winded or tired?
  • Do you dream about looking forward to shopping trips, beach vacations and family pictures with confidence and being at peace with your body?

If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, you belong here. Join the Friends with Food family and begin your journey of becoming the best you today.

Getting Started

    We offer 12-week and 24-week programs, as well as a Join with a Friend option (our fave!). *Many experts say that finding support for your weight-loss efforts can mean the difference between success and failure.
    We’ll ask you some questions to get an understanding of your health, lifestyle and goals.
    Your coach will reach out to introduce themselves, provide an overview of the program and discuss the first steps of your journey.
  4. WEEKLY CHECK-INS (Ongoing)
    You will communicate with your coach each week to show your progress and discuss plans for the following week.
    Step back and allow yourself to be amazed with the changes you make both physically and mentally over time.

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