You will have a weekly check-in with your coach via email to review progress, plans and challenges. You may also email/text your coach at any time to ask questions between check-ins. The client-coach relationship is determined by your needs and personality so you can tap into them as needed.

Yes! Friends with Food does not provide meal plans of any kind, so that clients can learn to compose meals that they enjoy based on their preferences. The program is highly flexible and will work regardless of your dietary preferences.

This is the beauty of flexible dieting. No foods are “off-limits” and we will teach you how to build treats and splurges into your life without undoing any of your hard-earned progress.

The scale is a useful tool for measurement, and you might like to have one on hand at least at the beginning and each of each 12 week cycle. But the scale can be deceiving due to natural fluctuations in water retention, inflammation, hormonal changes, muscle development, etc. We find that a combination of quantitative and qualitative measurements provide a more effective way of tracking progress and will work with you to determine the best methods.

Friends with Food is a proven system but does require you to get out of your comfort zone and make some changes. Making changes to habits that have been in place for years (or decades) is not always comfortable and does take time and effort. If you do the program, following the advice and guidance of your coach, it will work.

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