What is Friends with Food?

A nutrition program designed to help you gain control of your health, and lose weight within the demands of your busy schedule, without letting the process control your life.

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Will it work for me?

Friends with Food is built on a proven system of flexible dieting, popular for its effectiveness and sustainability.  If you do it, it will work!

how it works

What does it cost?

Join our flagship 12-Week program for only $299! Save an additional $50 with our “Join with a Friend” membership, an amazing value at two 12-Week memberships for $499!

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Is it REALLY going to work for me?

We understand you’ve tried to lose weight before, but this time will be different.  With your commitment, the Friends with Food program, combined with 1-on-1 coaching, will guide you to your goals and a life free from dieting.

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